After ten brilliant rallies that have taken over 200 ralliers across Europe, we did a Glastonbury and took a ‘fallow’ year out in 2019. 2020 was set to see us return and build on the great events in 2017 and 2018. Having enjoyed destinations in France, Spain, Switzerland and Italy, we decided to take a different path and heading North, touching countries we’ve not experienced before as we take ralliers across France, Belgium and The Netherlands to the diversely artistic city of Amsterdam. Well, Coronavirus soon had us making other plans. With a few years of clipped wings and some reflections, we’re decided to plan for 2024 and take us back south along the coast of France, through the Pyrenees and to the Spanish shores and epicurean delights of San Sebastian.
The timeframe
We’ll be leaving on the last weekend in September on the afternoon boat to St Malo and will arrive on the Saturday evening. Some ralliers high tail it back to home and some like to extent their stays. We reserve the return boat for Monday Afternoon to give you time to get back.
What to expect
Some random people.
We’ve made a lot of friends over the years and enjoy seeing faces old and new on each rally. The rally unites people who value a roadtrip and adventure. There’s nothing like the memories of flying through the French countryside with other islanders have, literally, a blast. Join the alumni.
Some tricky clues.
Our rally isn’t just about driving, socialising, French food and wine or amazing views. We also have cunning clues to solve each day and the odd random challenge. How many countries of the world can you name in 2 minutes?! How far would your paper aeroplane go?
Some good eating.
Not only do we have dinners with the odd bottle of French wine included each evening but ralliers often find an excuse to find killer lunch spots to grab a steak frites or foie gras terrine, depending how you roll.
Some open road.
If you’re the proud owner of a nice car, whether fast, funny or fabulous then rush hour on the avenue isn’t the place it belongs. Caged in Jersey these beasts go crazy. They need an open road, the fresh French air and miles of asphalt in front of them to experience joy. The rally lets them stretch their legs!